Insurrection and Political Bubbles

Insurrection and Political Bubbles

The most disturbing thing to me in the aftermath of the Insurrection on Wednesday is the number of my family and friends who would have been 100% ok if it had succeeded. An election was held, and because people don't like the results - which have been verified over and over again - they think it's ok to topple a democracy that generations of people have bled for and built.

Let's be clear: The riots on Wednesday were an attempt to violently overthrow our democracy by a group of people suffering from a mass delusion perpetuated and encouraged by Trump, a raging narcissist, and likely sociopath.

I don't know why so many have chosen Trump as their savior, but I have seen far too many posts comparing him to Jesus not to take their zealotry seriously.

This man is not here to save you or anyone else. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and his massive ego. He 'loves you' while you serve his purposes and then forgets about you the moment you don't. Case in point: Trump told the people who stormed the Capitol that he would 'walk with them' - he couldn't even keep that promise. He went back to the safety of the White House and allowed others to do his dirty work for him.

People have told me that they will 'pray for me' because I didn't vote for Trump. As if not voting for him puts into question my morality, Christianity, and value as a person. Save your prayers. I know who I am and what's in my heart.

And to all these politicians who are feigning innocence and/or changing your tune: I see you, and you are just as much to blame. You cannot create dissent and perpetuate false stories for four years and then act surprised when the chaos you helped create spins out of your control.

Absolutely nothing would surprise me at this point. I am fully expecting Trump to call for states to secede from the union.

For those defending the rioters, I will point out one more chilling thing: they brought zip ties with them. Why? Because they intended to disable and tie people up.

And if you don't see disturbing things on Facebook about your fellow citizens wanting and encouraging an overthrow of our democracy, it's because you live in a bubble. I have lived in two extreme bubbles, so I see both sides in my feed. Half of my friends are outraged at what happened this week, and the other half support it and hope it happens again with different results.

I See You!

I See You!

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